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Music as therapy for the elderly and Alzheimer's patients

"When music is good, life is beautiful."

It's more than an art! Music is a real therapy for the elderly. It stimulates memory, soothes anxiety and strengthens social ties.

This article delves deep into the cognitive and emotional benefits of music, shedding light on its positive impact on the health of the elderly.

Discover how melodies can transform the daily lives of seniors, bringing joy and serenity. Music is proving to be a powerful tool for enriching the lives of our elders.

Let's see how music can be a real therapy for the elderly:

  • Music is the language of emotions

  • Music is the ultimate vehicle for reminiscence

  • Music as medicine

  • Music is a universal language

  • Music is a refuge


    "Music is the medicine of the soul."

Music is the language of emotions

Given the deep connection most of us have with music, it's not surprising that researchers around the world continue to study the therapeutic benefits of music. Music can release emotions and memories, ease hospital stays, enhance exercise and walking routines, and contribute to our general well-being.

Music is present in every culture and reaches every soul. Although we each have our own preferences for certain lyrics or melodies, all human beings have a musical vein that moves them.


Music is the ultimate vehicle for reminiscence

In people suffering from Alzheimer's or related diseases, experts have found that musical memory is spared even in the advanced stages of the disease, with the emotional center of the brain among the very last areas affected.

As a result, people can sometimes even remember song lyrics buried in otherwise inaccessible parts of their memory. During these moments of musical activity and stimulation, the person seems to transcend the usual constraints of their condition to embrace the harmonies of their life.

A musical activity is the perfect opportunity to go back in time and awaken memories. Music enables them to reconnect with snippets of their history, and sometimes leads to the sharing of wonderful confidences: first dance, first kiss, performances that particularly moved them, or joyful memories of family celebrations. Music can have a positive impact on people with Alzheimer's disease, even when verbal communication becomes difficult. Studies have shown that listening to familiar tunes can significantly improve memory, stimulate brain activity and reduce anxiety and agitation.


Music as medicine

Music therapy, which uses music as a form of therapy, can help relieve some of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Music stimulates all areas of the brain, and acts on the pleasure hormones endorphins and dopamine, promoting their production and reducing stress and anxiety.

Music is a real medicine, a balm for our physical well-being when interrelated with dance movements or rhythmic tapping, improving coordination, flexibility and overall fitness. For the elderly or people with Alzheimer's disease, integrating music into exercise programs makes the process more enjoyable and promotes a holistic approach to health, addressing both mind and body.

Music is a universal language

It touches us at the very core of our being. It has the incredible power to take us on a journey through time and space, to make us feel intense emotions and transport us to a state of bliss. Music has the power to heal our inner wounds, soothe us in moments of sadness and stimulate us in moments of joy.


Music is a refuge

For people with Alzheimer's disease, time no longer has any real meaning. Memories fade, landmarks are lost. But there is something that remains, that still shines in the meanders of memory: music.

Music, with its haunting melodies, catchy rhythms and touching lyrics, has the power to bring the Alzheimer person back into the present moment. It can bring a sense of well-being, fulfillment and calm. It can also evoke intense emotions, fleeting memories and moments of happiness.

When the music plays, everything seems to calm down. Tensions melt away, worries vanish. And for a moment, Alzheimer's sufferers can forget the passage of time, the worries that beset them and the losses they have suffered. They can simply let themselves be carried away by the music, lulled by its notes, invaded by its sensations.

Music is a bridge between past and present, between reality and imagination. It enables the Alzheimer sufferer to rediscover a moment of pure, simple joy, a moment of grace, a fleeting burst of happiness. It reminds her of who she is, what she loves, what makes her come alive.


For Alzheimer's sufferers who have lost their sense of time, music is a refuge, an ally, a faithful friend. It enables them to live fully in the present moment, to escape the weight of everyday life, to regain a little of their lost dignity. And in this whirlwind of notes and sounds, she can finally feel alive, vibrant, eternal.


I believe that music is in itself a source of healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something that touches each and every one of us. Whatever culture we belong to, everyone loves music."

- Billy Joel


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