Partners Beneficiary Caregivers | Huma Services
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Mounir Dhif training for attendants Montreal South Shore



An unwavering passion for people


Mounir has had a path of constant training and studies that has allowed him to evolve as a teacher, nurse, therapist in helping relationship and entrepreneur.


He set up the LES REMPARTS training center in Montreal, which is a school to train beneficiary attendants, active since 2016. This school is essentially based on the philosophy of HUMANITUDE.


In addition, responsible for the ongoing training of Huma staff, Mounir ensures that each employee trained in his center respects the rules of the profession and the philosophy of HUMANITUDE in the field.

Memory Coach Patricia Spaans

Dr. Dale Bredesen's program

The end of Alzheimer's

A step-by-step method to prevent and reverse cognitive decline at any age

Your private social worker, Sérénité

Private psychosocial assessment by Sérénité
  • Mandate approval

  • Opening of guardianship

  • Temporary representation

Private home support by Sérénité
  • Examination of the issues

  • Presentation of observations 

  • Recommendations and follow-ups

Private support for families by Sérénité
  • Advice and support

  • Home interventions

  • Service references

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